GOST 55256-2012
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System of aircraft maintenance and repair. Procedures for assessing authenticity of civil aircrafts components.
GOST 27692-2012
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Maintenance documentation for aeronautical engineering. Structure, statement, execution and contents of log books.
GOST 27693-2012
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Maintenance documentation for aeronautical engineering. Structure, statement, execution and contents of registration certificates, labels and air worthiness certificates.
GOST 18675-2012
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Design documentation for aircraft and furnished equipment operation and maintenance.
GOST 2.602-95
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Unified system for design documentation. Repair documents.
GOST 28056-89
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Maintenance and repair documentation for aeronautical engineering. Structure, statement, execution and contents of maintenance and repair program.
- GOST 24297-87
Input inspection of products.
General maintenance and overhaul manual of civil aviation (NTERAT GA-93)
Approved by the Order No. DV-58 dd. 20.06.94 of Air Transport Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
- PKD-83
Regulation on development and publication of production and control documents during aircraft equipment repair at civil aviation repair provider.