Work Performance Procedure during Aircraft Component Authenticity Assessment
Works related to aircraft component authenticity assessment shall be performed at civil aviation enterprises in compliance with
Aircraft component authenticity assessment procedure
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(2nd revision, No. 24.10-966GA).
With the purpose of timely consideration and agreement of Aircraft component authenticity assessment certificates in Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation, the following procedure has been established to submit information on aircraft components.
To support works related to aircraft component authenticity assessment, an aviation enterprise shall provide Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation with the following:
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for work performance.
Aircraft component authenticity assessment certificate
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The certificate shall be signed by specialists who have performed authenticity assessment; it shall be approved by the Head of Information and Analytical Center of an enterprise, and stamped.
Materials subject to photo documentation.
In compliance with
«Digital photo documentation technology»
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photo documentation is required for log books and maintenance records for aircraft components included into a list of life-limited units.
Exchange file
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for components installed in an aircraft.
It is necessary to fill in exchange file template fields for all units with passports (if there is an information and control system (ICS) in production and dispatching department (PDD), and if such an account is kept). In the absence if ICS, the exchange file shall be filled in with the photo documented units and all duplicates (preferably).
Approved list of aviation inventory (AI) suppliers of an aviation enterprise
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with indication of location of the supplied AI nomenclature and particulars of supplier’s approval documents (once a year).
Manufacturers’ materials (if any) to prove production of aircraft components considered.
All the above listed materials except for photo documents shall be e-mailed to Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation at:
With the purpose of real-time information exchange, it is recommended to use exchange server, which can also be used for photo documents submission.
Having an access to on-line exchange service via Internet, the Customer can generate and send an interactive exchange file via IAS AAM Internet-service at, thereby ensuring the following:
- logic control of data entry (minimization of errors when filling in an exchange file);
- automation of data transfer into IAS AAM central data base (CDB);
- transferred data protection.
It is allowed to send materials (certificate drafts, exchange files, photo documents etc.) on USB FLASH stick with courier or by mail (express mail).
Upon work performance in Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation and based on expert evaluation, Aircraft component authenticity assessment certificate shall be agreed; based on electronic inspection in IAS AAM an Integrated report on aircraft component authenticity assessment shall be generated which is an integral part of the Certificate. The Certificate and Integrated report shall be e-mailed to an aviation enterprise.
Remedial actions
In case of unit “twins”, nonconformities of aircraft component life limits as well as doubtful and unapproved aircraft components (based on integrated report materials), an aviation enterprise shall develop corrective actions plan whereof Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation shall be informed in the prescribed manner (Certificate of recommendations fulfillment and remedial actions..., copies of passports of the newly installed aircraft components, updated exchange file and other evidential documents, as agreed with specialists of Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation).
Special aspects of work performance during foreign aircraft component authenticity assessment
An aviation enterprise shall provide Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation with similar information as the one provided during domestic aircraft component authenticity assessment.
Key feature is application of the following documents as log books and maintenance records for aircraft components:
- EASA Form 1;
- FAA Form 8130-3 or their analogs;
Work performance procedure during foreign aircraft component authenticity assessment is described in more details in
Technological Instruction
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