Information and Analytical Center
Information and Analytical Center of FSUE GosNII GA (IAC FSUE GosNII GA) was established on December 29, 2006 to solve problems of information and analytical support of aircraft equipment operation including aircraft component authenticity assessment, certification of civil aviation facilities in activities of the Center ensuring coordination and integration of information resources in civil aviation, maintenance of central regulatory and guidance library of civil aviation, and civil aviation specialist training in life cycle monitoring and aircraft component authenticity assessment. IAC FSUE GosNII GA is the only division in our country to monitor life cycle and assess aircraft component authenticity both for civil and state aviation. Implementation of own developments in the field of information technologies and up-to-date aircraft equipment operation methods resulted in development and implementation of information analytical system of aircraft airworthiness monitoring (IAS AAM). The Center uses it as a basis to solve important scientific and national problems aimed at improvement of state monitoring and control of aircraft equipment operation including authenticity assessment, development of digital technologies for aircraft component identification, optimization of civil aircraft inspection procedures and technologies, aircraft equipment author’s and post-sale supervision. Currently IAS AAM supports life cycle monitoring of more than 2500 aircrafts and more than 2 mln. aircraft components. Besides, works are in progress on life cycle monitoring of foreign aircraft components. More than 300 civil aviation and aviation industry enterprises are integrated as part of a common information space. In terms of aircraft component authenticity assessment and certification of suppliers of aviation inventory for civil aviation, IAC FSUE GosNII GA is continuously interacting with Rosaviation, Rostransnadzor, Mintrans of Russia and other executive bodies. Central regulatory and guidance library of civil aviation established as part of IAC FSUE GosNII GA based on up-to-date technologies, new forms and methods of library fund acquisition allows to support aviation enterprises and civil aviation organizations with actual industrial organization and administrative documents, operation and technical documents for aircrafts and their components, and other industrial rules and regulations as well as documents of foreign companies regulating civil aviation activities. As part of Voluntary certification system of the civil aviation facilities developed and maintained by IAC FSUE GosNII GA, works are performed on certification of maintenance and repair authorized centers, aviation inventory suppliers, technical facilities for aviation works as well as organization support of certification for other civil aviation facilities. IAC FSUE GosNII GA carries out its activities in the Russian Federation and in more than 30 countries in Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South Americas, and Australia. |
АСУ ПЛГ ВС включена в реестр российского программного обеспечения Министерства цифрового развития, связи и массовых коммуникаций Российской Федерации.
ФГУП ГосНИИ ГА получено свидетельство о государственной регистрации программы для ЭВМ «Автоматизированная система управления поддержанием летной годности воздушных судов и компонентов (АСУ ПЛГ ВС).
С 18 по 20 мая 2023 года прошла XVI Международная выставка вертолетной индустрии "HELIRUSSIA 2023".