Aviation security information control (oversight) system (ASICS)

Aviation security information control system (ASICS) ensures functioning of continuous monitoring approach as part of Universal aviation security oversight audit program (CMA UASAP) in the Russian Federation and is available at simbad.mlgvs.ru iskab.mlgvs.ru

Basis for development

  • Doc 9807. Security Audit Reference Manual.
  • Doc 9734, part С. The Establishment and Management of a State’s Aviation Security Oversight System.
  • Doc 8973. Aviation Safety Manual.
  • Appendix 17 to International Civil Aviation Convention “Safety. Safeguarding International Civil Aviation Against Acts of Unlawful Interference.
  • Air Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Russian Federation and International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in relation to continuous monitoring approach as part of universal aviation security audit program (CMA UASAP).
  • Minutes of meeting with Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation No. VO-89 dd. 21.11.2016.

System structure

The system subjects are national coordinator of CAM UASAP in the Russian Federation; representatives of organizations, departments and federal executive authorities qualified in the field of aviation security and engaged by the national coordinator as experts.

Technical operator is the Information and Analytical Center of Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Research and Development Institute of Civil Aviation.

Experts of work groups as part of organization committee for preparation to ICAO audit in framework of CMA UASAP (Order of the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation No. MS-24-r dd. 09.02.2017) are participants of the system; leaders of the work groups coordinate expert works as per spheres of ICAO audit in compliance with Appendix 2 to Order of the Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation No. MS-24-r dd. 09.02.2017.

National coordinator of CMA UASAP in the Russian Federation being a direct participant of the system and its organizer distributes rights and responsibilities of subjects and in compliance with them provides access to ASICS. After the subjects submit required information into on-line system, national coordinator prepares and downloads the information from the system in the format required for submission to ICAO Aviation Safety Audit Section (C/ASA).

Should you have any questions on access to the system or organizational questions address to development and support department